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Learn About Chrysoberyl

Learn About Chrysoberyl | MODERN GEM JEWELRY


It is believed that chrysoberyl is a rare and underrated gem. As a result, most retailers don't have it in stock at all. It's the original "cat's eye," the third hardest gem mineral, and it can also change color.


However, Chrysoberyl is not a Beryl, like Emeralds and Aquamarines, despite its name. Chrysoberyl, on the other hand, is a beryllium aluminum oxide, and they are known as aluminum beryllium silicates. There are two separate members of the chrysoberyl family, the color-changing Alexandrite and the original cat's eye. What else sets this gem apart from the rest? The answer to that question is going to be revealed!

Only the chrysoberyl cat's eye is not followed by the name of its gemstone, like cat's eye sapphire, which is known as Chatoyant or cymophane.

Cymophane means "looking like a wave" in Greek, referring to the stones' hazy, opalescent aspect. With a microscope, it is possible to see the silk inclusions in the Chrysoberyl cat's eye that make it the sharpest of all cat eyes. If the light and angle of view are just right, this very thin line can give the stone the appearance of being made of two separate materials. Known as the "milk-and-honey" effect, it is highly sought after in stones over 20 carats.

They are usually blue in color and shimmer when the light shines on them. However, honey brown is the optimum color. "The Eye of the Lion," a 465-carat cabochon cut from a 700-carat rough Sri Lankan chrysoberyl, is the largest cut cat's eye.


Among the chrysoberyl stones, alexandrite's color shifts under different light sources make it particularly intriguing. Green to blue-green in daylight and natural light, but a completely different color under incandescent light. The stone will seem reddish-purple in artificial light. Getting a 5-carat stone with a noticeable color variation is much more difficult.

The substitution of chromium for aluminum in the mineral composition results in the transformation. Russian tsar Alexander II gave his name to the first stones, which were discovered in the late 1800s and named after him. Small amounts can still be found in Africa and Indonesia, but the original mine has been abandoned.

Alexandrite's ability to be highly pleochroic is another intriguing feature. This indicates that the color changes depending on the light source. Actually, it is a trichroic color, which means it may display three different colors from three different directions, which can range from green to red to yellow-orange. Chrysoberyls don't all have this unusual property, and it's much less noticeable than the stone's ability to change color. However, it's still an interesting trait.


Chrysoberyl is one of the toughest and strongest gemstones available. It's 8.5 on the Mohs scale, which means it's tough. While this material has a high degree of toughness, it is also quite fragile and easily fractures in one direction, but not the other. Because of its high hardness, it can withstand abrasion and chemical weathering in deposits with other gemstones and minerals.

Taking Good Care of Your Chrysoberyl Gemstones

Hardness makes them reasonably easy to maintain. It is delicate, but can be machine cleaned if you follow the machine's directions. Warm soapy water is all that is needed to clean it, as is the case with most gemstones.

The Healing Properties of Chrysoberyl and Mythology

All of the various colors of chrysoberyl are used for metaphysical healing in different ways. Green chrysoberyl, for example, is believed to help treat cardiac disease, particularly those caused by stress. The liver-cleansing properties of golden chrysoberyl make it a popular choice for those dealing with liver disease. In contrast, Alexandrite is useful in treating head and ear disorders.

Wearing a chrysoberyl was thought to provide protection from the evil eye throughout Asia. Traditionally, it was said to grant the wearer clarity of mind, sharp awareness, and strength when making critical judgments.


Chrysoberyl, the purest and original cat's eye, and Alexandrite, which can change color and seem different under different lighting conditions, are interesting gemstones. Even if these were the only qualities of this diamond, it would be extremely expensive. Because Chrysoberyl has become so sought-after, a flawless specimen is worth a lot of money.

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