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5 Romantic Steps to Propose in 2023

6 Romantic Steps to Propose in 2023 | Modern Gem Jewelry

To be very honest you can’t wait to call her "fiancé" and then wife, but trust us you should wait – at least until you’ve planned the perfect proposal. She loves you and will probably say yes regardless, but this is a moment she’s dreamed of since childhood and the only time you will ask a woman to spend the rest of their life with you – not a small request – so it’s worthwhile doing it right. Plus the pride and joy you’ll feel once you pull it off and watch your betrothed relaying the story to her friends and family with sheer bliss are worth every second.


1. Ask Permission


The engagement is about your relationship and committing to spending your life with the one you love, and you don’t need anyone’s permission to drop a knee. That said, if her parents are in her life, chances are they –and your lady love – will appreciate you asking for their blessing. More than anything it’s a traditional gesture of respect and bearing in mind that you might be asking them to pick up the wedding tab, babysit your kids and share family holidays, it’s worthwhile getting into the future in-laws’ good books.

2. Surprise= Score 


For the ultimate thrill factor, try to keep your proposal a surprise. Discuss marriage with your partner to get a feel of whether she is ready to take the next step on your journey to happily ever after, but once you know you’re both on the same page, it’s time to go underground. Friends and family will be excited for you to pop the question, so much so that they might let the cat out of the bag with their weird behavior or hints. So only let a few (if any) people in on the plan and keep the details on the low down unless you need help executing the perfect proposal.


6 Romantic Steps to Propose in 2023 | Modern Gem Jewelry

3. Get Sentimental


When it comes to proposals, it's crucial to keep it personal and not get so carried away with an extravagant plan that you forget that the occasion is first and foremost about the two of you. Sure a proposal on a yacht in the Mediterranean is flashy, but it’s more important to her that your proposal is intimate and special for you, that it reflects her values, your love, and an understanding of what she holds dear. What place holds a special meaning to her or your relationship? Does she like you in a certain outfit? What’s her favorite wine? Focus on the details and come up with a few ideas to make her smile (aside from the prospect of marrying you of course). 


6 Romantic Steps to Propose in 2023 | Modern Gem Jewelry



4. Practice Makes Perfect


So you’ve got a plan and you’re working on the flowers, the ring, the bubbly, and the playlist, but don’t forget the reason you’re planning this romantic spectacular – to ask the woman of your dreams one really big question. Don’t choke up when the moment arrives and your heart and the adrenalin are pumping, think beforehand about how you want to phase your question and practice it a few times.

Will you get straight down to it with a basic “will you marry me” or start with a few words about your relationship and how she has changed your life forever? It’s one sentence you’ll both remember forever, and there’s no second take (no pressure). 


6 Romantic Steps to Propose in 2023 | Modern Gem Jewelry

5. Bring the Ring


Not presenting her with a ring when you pop the question is simply bad proposal etiquette. We’re not saying she won’t say yes if you don’t, but studies say that in general women think this is a mistake. She might not be too phased, but she will be asked constantly to produce her left hand for admiration and it’s nice for her to have something to show – even if it’s a ring fashioned from a cable tie. It also makes the whole event feel more official. 



When it comes to jewelry you are always at the right place with Modern Gem Jewelry.  Design and customize something extremely unique for her or pick any of the stunning inspirations by consulting any of our gems & jewelry experts online and make this year a memorable one. 


Is there anything we’ve left out? Share your thoughts on what makes the perfect engagement below.  

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